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Moxibustion is a therapeutic method of traditional Chinese medicine that consists of applying heat by stimulating a series of points on the body – which usually coincide with acupuncture points – in order to heal disorders or diseases and achieve balance of physiological functions.

The word 'moxibustion' refers to the term 'cauterize', that is, “burn on a surface with a previously heated material”.The heat will always be noticeable in a very pleasant way, without actually burning the surface of the body since the moxa will be located a few centimeters away.

This therapy seeks to rebalance the energy of the body based on the theory of channels. According to this concept, the body functions as a system of networks where blood and energy flow, intercommunicating each part of the body, as well as the exterior areas with the interior ones. Due to multiple factors, both external (such as cold or heat) and emotional, these energies become unbalanced and excesses or deficiencies are created in certain points or areas. This energy imbalance is considered the origin of numerous diseases and ailments. Moxibustion pursues that energy to flow again, harmonizing again the energy-blood circulation. Along this route there are a series of points, on which heat is applied, which are used as work tools to restore balance.

Moxibustion is used in many cases combined with acupuncture, since both techniques are not only complementary and compatible, but can enhance their healing effect. The same points as in acupuncture are usually used for this therapy, since the two therapeutic methods obey the same medical tradition and respond to the same energy channels. It can be used for:


  • Joint pains such as osteoarthritis or arthritis.

  • Ailments caused by cold, such as lumbar stiffness.

  • Menstrual and infertility problems.

  • Stressful situations.

  • Regulates the digestive system: indicated in anemia and loss of appetite.

  • Increased production of white blood cells and hemoglobin.

  • Improvement of circulatory problems.

  • Tiredness and low sexual desire.



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