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The Feldenkrais Method is a system of somatic education developed by the Ukrainian-born Jewish scientist Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984). This method uses mindful movement and directed attention to seek efficient and healthy movement patterns, as well as improve posture and refine motor skills. There are currently more than 6,000 Feldenkrais practitioners in 25 countries on four continents.


The Feldenkrais Method uses movement and focused attention to the person as a vehicle to access the brain and its ability to create new neural connections and new movement patterns. Feldenkrais uses movement to access the nervous system and find the most efficient patterns of action, as well as regain body mobility, refine motor skills, and gain greater vitality.

Unlike techniques such as yoga, Feldenkrais does not work from muscular effort or flexibility, nor does it focus on muscular contact, such as massage. In the case of this method the emphasis is placed on the movement of the skeleton while practicing directed attention.

Although Feldenkrais is not a therapy nor does it replace medical treatment, but rather an educational method, its goal is to overcome pain, limitations and achieve a state of well-being and physical, mental and emotional vitality.

The quotes from Mr. Feldenkrais are incredible and define his philosophy, for example:


All manifestation of life is expressed through movement.

Freedom has to do with the possibility of having options.

Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant.


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